Lin Haire-Sargeant
Award Winning Author

Photo by Nadia Belber
New Release
Who Is Jo March?
In this return to the world of Little Women, Jo March breaks out of her plot!
What if Jo had accepted Laurie's dare that she put on boy's clothes and bolt from home with him? In this story, "Joe May" and Laurie Laurence set off for wartime Washington D.C. and enter a man's world of crass temptation and brilliant creative opportunity, from Lincoln's White House to the dazzling stage of the Columbia Theater. With Jo's headstrong determination to be free pitted against the merciless punishment society brought down on transgressive females, what might happen?
Who Is Jo March? is the author's answer to these questions.

Cover design photo by Nadia Belber
Order Now
“This novel keeps you in its grip from beginning to end, not only because of the ongoing surprises in its plot but also because of the substance and complexity of its characters. Wit, romance, and danger all rolled into one—truly enthralling.”
--Laurence Berman, pianist, author of The Musical Image.
“What an engaging story about Jo’s life after Little Women. I loved the book and could not put it down!”
--Maureen Kimball, librarian
--Maureen Kimball, librarian
Praise & Reviews
“Lin Haire-Sargeant has crafted a vigorous and entertaining imagining of a beloved young woman's life, moving beyond Louisa M. Alcott's classic to a new world created whole. Haire-Sargeant seamlessly merges the novel's elements with the backdrop of nineteenth century theater and the Civil War, creating a richly textured tale. Jo's story is full of tender moments, dizzying threats and gentle life lessons we can all recognize and appreciate.”
--Raffi Yessayan, author, Eight in the Box,
2 in the Hat
“Check out Lin's JO. It's a mystery, a sometimes thriller, a war story rocked by a pre-Freudian family romance replete with star-crossed lovers and cross-dressing, a passive-aggressive murderess, and more role changes than Eve Ensler in a one-woman play. And it's also an examination of gender constraints in the nineteenth-century and the stunting of lives that results. Lively, observant, very well-written.”
--Louise Myers, literary scholar and musician, author of "Commonwealth Avenue's Musical History."
Upcoming Appearances
Friday, March 15
6:30 p.m.
A Celebratory Reading
First Parish UU Church
330 First Parish Road
Scituate MA 02066
You are invited to a celebratory reading from Lin Haire-Sargeant's new award- winning novel Who Is Jo March? to take place in the Sloop Room on Friday, March 15 starting at 6:30 p.m..
In an action-packed page turner of a metanovel that blends fiction and history, Lin imagines: What might have happened if Jo, the heroine of Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, had acted on the defiant desire she often expressed--to live as a boy? Who Is Jo March? is the answer to that question.
Place: The Sloop Room at First Parish Unitarian Universalist Church of Scituate
6:30: A light supper to welcome you after a busy week.
7:00: Lin and Jonny Belber will read a few scenes from the book, with discussion to follow.
Signed paperback copies of Who Is Jo March? will be available at the event, with profits to go to the church.

About Lin Haire-Sargeant
Lin’s most fulfilling writing experiences have grown from her intense identification with favorite fictional characters. Bringing the social and psychological possibilities of her own experience to bear, she enters into the psyche of the character and the original author and imagines other trajectories their lives may have taken in the timeless world of fiction.